Made To Order Information

For our second collection Gigi and Palmer wanted to begin crafting and selling our items in a new and exciting way! From Collection 2 onwards for the foreseeable future, we will be using the ‘Made-to-Order’ method. (Unless specified otherwise on certain products)

Now, what exactly does ‘Made-to-Order’ entail? Well…

It is a method of production that benefits both you as the customer and us as a (presently) small business.

  • For YOU Made-to-Order means that you can customise the garment to your unique body measurements, in terms of length and size. (It also means that your specific, curated size will only be available until we sell out of the fabric available for that style, so get your order in quick!).
  • For US Made-to-Order it means that we are able to create pieces as and when they are wanted, allowing us to make the best use of fabric which might otherwise be wasted on sizes that aren’t as popular in the particular style.

Though we live in a world that so often demands instant rewards, we believe the old adage that good things take time” remains unchanged. It will take 1-3 weeks for your garment to be lovingly cut and crafted, but the end result is a piece you will treasure, curated for your unique body shape (if you require so) and kind to your conscience! 

Gigi and Palmer will continue finding more ways to reduce our waste and improve our craft, and we want to thank every customer for their support along this journey.

(Please note that during any holiday/closure period of the studio the 1-3 week crafting period will begin once the studio is open again.) 
